Our Work what we’ve been up to

121 Marathons in 121 days
Summer 2019
From 1 to 21 run is the first initiative of the nonprofit MeUsWe. We are running on foot from LA to NY, spotlighting the work of the Dave Thomas Foundation, and group that has been fighting for the right to a home and community for foster and adopted youth since 1992. We hope that you will be inspired to invest and learn from the strong, passionate youth in the foster care and adoption community and that you will partner with us as we advocate that everyone, from ages 1 to 21 and beyond, deserves a family and a community.

464 Miles in 14 days
October 2018
Starting on October 10th, 2018 MeUsWe cofounder Noah ran 464 miles across Wyoming in support of the Cathedral Home for Children, a residential group home facility for at risk teens located in Laramie, WY. The goal was to raise awareness to the need for more community involvement in the at-risk youth community, as well as to raise funds both for the CHC and for MeUsWe to mitigate operational costs.
The run was a success, and we were able to reach an estimated 186,000 Wyoming residents through both newspaper and cable news interviews. We were also able to raise almost $2,000, sending 25% to the Cathedral Home, with the rest going towards our 2019 budget.